Congressman Pete King met with LI-TA Youth Ambassadors and presented them with a citation declaring May 15-June 15 Tourette Syndrome Awareness Month. As Co-Chair of the Tourette Syndrome Caucus he also pledged his continued support of the Tourette community.

County Executive Bellone met with the YAs for almost an hour to learn about Tourette and then awarded a Proclamation declaring May 15th to June 15th Tourette Awareness month in Suffolk County.

YAs Aiden, Ari, Ben, Giovanni, Pierce, Sam R, Steven and future YA Kellen attended a Proclamation Ceremony at the Nassau County Executive Laura Curran's office. The YAs were joined by their Adult team members as well as Long Island Chapter Board members and chapter members. Student Heroes from the Long Island Diversity Forum were also in attendance and one of their members Amy Singh received a citation.

Amand Talty and Joe Grappone from National TAA also attended.
The dome of the Theodore Roosevelt Executive and Legislative building was to be lit in teal to recognize Tourette Awareness and the group was presented with a Proclamation declaring May 15th-June 15th Tourette Awareness month in Nassau County.


LITA team representing our chapter at the 2019 Tourette Association of America 5K Run/Walk, Sunday, May 19, 2019 at Flushing Meadows Corona Park.
Thank you to all that joined us at ClayNation on Sunday for an afternoon of painting #touretterocks and a lot of laughs!

The Long Island Tourette Association would like to thank you for attending the 2019 Family Fun Day.
We hope you had fun, and we look forward to seeing you at the 2020 Family Fun Day.
We truly appreciate your support. Thank you!

LI TA applauds Hudson Valley TA YA Alex Cutler for her huge accomplishment of reaching out to govt officials who agreed to light the Mario Cuomo Bridge teal in recognition of TS Awareness...
Congratulations Alex! Amazing accomplishment!
On March 5th, Youth Ambassadors and members of LITA shared personal stories with representatives in Washington, D.C., during the Association’s National Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill and advocated for public policies and services for people affected by Tourette Syndrome and tic disorders.
Newly selected Youth Ambassadors completed a comprehensive training, led by our very own Jane Zwilling, Psy.D and Jen Zwilling, founder or the Youth Ambassador program, to learn how to speak publicly about the often misunderstood disorder and take part in congressional meetings during the Association’s National Advocacy Day. In addition, they will help educate their peers and local community on how to promote understanding and social acceptance of TS and its symptoms through presentations at schools, clubs and community centers.
The Tourette Association launched the Youth Ambassador program in April 2008; it has grown to nearly 400 dedicated teens who have completed more than 1,000 activities including presentations, print and TV media interviews, and training other Youth Ambassadors to reach more than 5.5 million people through their combined efforts.

On October 2nd, 2019, Dr. Zwilling and Kate Callan presented to providers at the Nassau County Early Intervention Council.
On March 1, 2019 Carle Place High School hosted its annual:
Battle of the Classes, Battling for a Cause
This event raises funds each year for a charity selected by the Key Club and Student Government. Nominated by Carle Place students and LI TA Youth Ambassadors Steven and Victoria Argenzio, Long Island Tourette Association was chosen as this year's funds recipient!
The battle was long and fierce, spirits were high, and the warriors left everything on the battlefield!
By the end of the night the results came in: the phenomenal Carle Place High School student body raised over $25,000 for the Long Island Tourette Association!!!
The LITA appreciates the Carle Place students and is immensely grateful for all the heart, hard work and effort they put into the battle! Thank you all!

Congratulations to YA Rebecca Caron who received recognition from the Medford-Patchogue School Board for her outstanding work raising awareness about Tourette.
And Congratulations to Rebecca for receiving the YES I CAN Award from the Council for Exceptional Children.
Rebecca received the 2019 Yes I Can Award in the School and Community Activities Category.